AviClear (Non-Medicinal Acne Cure)

A Newly Launched Non-Medicinal Acne Laser Protocol In Australia Offers A Long-Term Solution For Acne.

ODE Dermatology revolutionises acne treatment with the introduction of AviClear, a new TGA-approved device meticulously designed to offer clarity and freedom from acne in just three sessions, providing a transformative experience akin to oral medication.

Harnessing advanced technology, AviClear delivers results comparable to traditional pharmaceuticals without the risk of side effects, offering a groundbreaking alternative for those wishing to avoid pharmaceutical solutions. Dubbed the "Vitamin A of laser technology," AviClear targets sebum production, the root cause of acne. The TGA-cleared technology operates at a 1726 nm wavelength, making it suitable for all skin types and effectively suppressing sebaceous glands. The treatment involves three concise 40-60 minute sessions, significantly reducing acne with minimal downtime.

AviClear boasts a 92% success rate, achieving at least a 50% improvement in acne after 12 months. This treatment not only addresses acne but also promotes overall skin health over time, even reducing scarring and redness often associated with acne. AviClear is suitable for all skin types, colours, genders, and ages, and it effectively treats all acne types, regardless of the cause.

Overview of the Process:

AviClear does not require a consultation with Dr. Shammi Theesan. Our highly trained team of clinicians and nurses perform this protocol under the stringent direction of Dr. Shammi Theesan, with all settings and information communicated to her throughout your three-session protocol.


Explore the below menu for pricing and further details.


    AviClear clears acne and boosts self-confidence without the need for prescription acne medication. We do this by treating the root cause of your acne and its symptoms, giving you a completely revitalised complexion. 

    The protocol of 3 sessions takes a comprehensive approach to curing acne scientifically by integrating cutting-edge laser technologies including pioneering laser AviClear, and BBL (Broadband Light).


    • Control of Active Acne

    • Clearing of Existing Breakouts

    • Reduction of Future Breakouts

    • Diminishment of Acne Scarring


    $1,000 per each session.


    Approximately 10% of clents may experience a breakout within the initial 10 days following treatment. While risks are uncommon, they may involve hypo- or hyperpigmentation, blistering, or a cold sore outbreak. For individuals prone to frequent cold sores, anti-viral medication may be prescribed as a precautionary measure.


    AviClear utilises two distinct sensations during treatment: initially, a cold sensation to cool the skin before the pulse, followed by a hot, prickling feeling when the pulse is emitted. Most clients report experiencing a discomfort level of 2 out of 10 for the majority of pulses, while some pulses around sensitive areas like the mouth or forehead may reach a discomfort level of 6 out of 10.


    Avoid using any oily products two days before the AviClear treatment.


    After treatment, it is advised to refrain from sun exposure and strenuous exercise for two days. Maintain skin hydration with a gentle moisturiser for three days, and apply tinted SPF 50 zinc sunscreen. Recommended options include IS Clinical Recovery Balm and Airyday SPF 50+ zinc. If experiencing a histamine response such as itchy skin post-treatment, antihistamines can provide relief.


    Use this link.

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